Friday, May 24, 2013

Warriors' Week in Review

Dear Parents,

What a wonderful, exciting week it has been at MDYHS!  It is a pleasure for me to share a glimpse of some of the programs and events of the past few days with you.

On Monday evening, parents of our entering junior and senior classes were treated to a special workshop on The College Admissions Process: What You Need to Know, How You Can Reach Your Goals - presented by Dr. Susan Greenbaum, former Associate Dean of the NYU Stern School of Business Undergraduate College.  Dr. Greenbaum, using a detailed PowerPoint presentation along with clear, practical handouts, spoke to parents about such important issues as strategic course selection for students, the importance of extra-curricular activities on the student's resume, and how to use a visit to the college campus of your choice to best advantage in the college application process - all with the goal of ensuring a successful admission for the student.  Dr. Greenbaum was followed by our own Mr. Steven Harris, of the Department of College Guidance & Career Counseling Services, who spoke about Naviance, the "Rolls Royce" of college guidance software - which we use at MDYHS for all students.  Rounding out the program was Assistant Principal Mrs. Esther Tokayer, who spoke about the various extra-curricular opportunities at MDYHS.  The evening was so informative and helpful that one parent emailed me after it was over, saying, "...this was really fantastic; it made a huge difference in how I look at the entire experience...I will be more on top of the whole process with my son...tonight, already, we are doing Naviance together."  Dr. Greenbaum has graciously accepted our invitation to return for another workshop in September as part of our Parent Orientation seminars for parents.

And while that special workshop was taking place, across the river in Manhattan two of our students - Leon Betesh and Lisa Chakkalo - were further advancing their careers as radio stars.  Leon and Lisa - together with our esteemed Rosh Yeshivah Rabbi Harold Sutton and me - were the featured guests on TalkLine Radio, hosted by Zev Brenner.  Our young stars were interviewed by Mr. Brenner about the wonderful Sephardic community and about their experiences in MDYHS.  The show featured live call-in questions from various listeners, and our students spoke with passion, sincerity, grace, and eloquence.  The hour-long segment focused entirely on our community and school, and I have heard from listeners how proud they were to hear our students speak of MDYHS with such joy and excitement.  When the archived record of the show is available, I will forward the link.  In the meantime, look for the Leon & Lisa Show soon to be featured on the FM dial!  (Please see the attached photo from this enjoyable visit to the radio studio).

On Tuesday evening, close to a hundred people - students and parents - attended the Sixth Annual MDYHS Entrepreneurship Dinner, designed and led byMr. Joe Naftaly and Mr. Daniel Kamelhar.  A while ago, students in the Entrepreneurship and Business classes presented their various projects in a competition judged by our own Dr. Abe TawilDr. Edward Rogoff, (Professor of Management, and Director of the Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship at Baruch College), and Mr. Irwin Dayan (Executive Director of the Sephardic Angel Fund).  The projects were judged based on Concept, Presentation, and Business Plan - and the following teams were announced as winners of the competition: 1st Place - Judy Chalouh for her product Roll-A-Roof; 2nd Place - Lorraine Franco and Victoria Zalta for their product JackPack; and 3rd Place - Lorry Louzeh and Stella Sadaka for their product Smart Cushion.  Everybody present that evening was truly a winner, and the talent, perseverance, and commitment of all the teams really shone through.  The next great product that you buy may well be the result of the genius and production values of a young MDYHS entrepreneur!  (Please see the attached photos from this wonderful event).

Last week I wrote about the exciting, new Academic Majors Program to begin for all entering freshmen at MDYHS this coming September.  After Tuesdayevening's Entrepreneurship Dinner, the Atrium was all abuzz with entering freshmen and their parents - who came to experience the inaugural Academic Majors Fair.  Each of the 13 Majors fields had its own booth hosted by a representative of that discipline.  Parents and students circulated, visiting each of the booths, collecting informative handouts, listening to what each Academic Major entails, discussing, and then enrolling online in their elective choices for this coming September, using iPads provided for the registration.  It was absolutely wonderful to see the students and parents absorbing, probing, circulating, and smiling as they begin the fantastic journey of their successful future!  (Please see the attached photo from this historic program).

While one wonderful group is poised to enter MDYHS, another wonderful group is getting ready to leave - to make their great mark on the world.  On Wednesdayevening, our glorious seniors and their parents gathered together for the Senior Awards and Arista - National Honor Society Induction CeremoniesRachel Naftali and Sarah Kabariti, our General Excellence awardees, spoke to the audience, representing the class and delivering eloquent messages of hope and inspiration.  Quite a number of students received well deserved recognition for academic performance, leadership, improvement in their studies, middotand hessed.  Looking around I could clearly see the parents, grandparents, faculty, and the students' own peers glowing with pride as each awardee was called to the podium.  What a great way to recognize the stellar accomplishments of our students!  (Please see the attached photo from this inspirational evening).

These accomplishments - and more - are attained through hard work and commitment.  I am proud to inform you that this week sees the culmination of our students' Advanced Placement exams - well over 100 exams were taken - as well as the completion of our seniors' Behinah Yerushalmit Exam - a 7 hour test administered to our students by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem - after which successful completion can result in up to 6 college credits in Hebrew Language & Literature.  Last year's class scored an average of over 90 on the exam - an outstanding achievement - and I anticipate a repeat performance in this year's exam as well.  And speaking of outstanding achievements, I was so proud and happy to hear the following from our own Rabbi Joey Haber: during the Senior Internship Program, the 12th graders were asked to continue their Torah studies by participating in various shiurim.  Well... even after the program was over, a huge contingent of young ladies decided to continue their classes with Rabbi Haber, eagerly absorbing the beautiful Torah lessons that have become such an integral part of their lives.  This is not to mention the great number of our senior boys who attend daily and weeklyshiurim at various shuls and classes in the community.  Our graduating seniors are doing us - and more importantly, themselves - really proud!

Yesterday, in a beautiful combination of academic excellence, character, and service, our 11th grade  Brooklyn College Credit Class in Nutrition, led by Ms. Shaindy Judowitz, designed and presented an original program, Be Healthy at MDY Preschool.  Our students, in 4 different groups, went to the preschool to teach the younger generation about how to "eat healthy" every day.  The MDYHS delegation presented a puppet show that they wrote themselves and whose puppets and stage were fashioned entirely by the 11th graders - on the theme of nutrition and health.  They then worked with the preschoolers together on projects such as laminated placemats and fruit-and-vegetable artwork.  The entire program was a huge hit with the preschool students and staff - and I am not quite sure who had a better time, the MDYHS class of 2014 or the MDYHS class of 2026.  What a great way to take what one has learned, and give back to the community!  (Please see the attached photos from this wonderful program).

And while on the subject of making learning experiential, some of our 9th and 10th grade classes traveled to Manhattan on Wednesday to participate in a phone-based Educational Scavenger Hunt.  Led by Ms. Audrey Nasar, Ms. Sally Mishanieh, Mrs. Shara Netkin, and Mrs. Beth Goldberg, the students were divided into groups, and were tasked with solving 31 different puzzles that took them all over the city.  They explored statues in Bryant Park, studied the artwork and architecture of the New York Public Library, gleaned information from plaques in the historic Theater District, and interviewed police officers.  All the while, our sleuths learned fascinating facts about the history of New York City.  While the winners of the event were Esty Ammach, Celia Cohen, Gitta Cohen, Lorry Louzeh, and Stella Sadaka, every student returned from this wonderful odyssey with a huge smile.  (Please see the attached photos from this enjoyable and informative competition).

Finally, I just want to present an update on the amazing Forensics Project which our students are about to conclude.  Our "detectives" have interviewed all the witnesses, and have collaborated in discussions on their findings.  As a result of those discussions, the suspect list has been narrowed down to three people:Mr. Alan Arbesfeld, Ms. Audrey Nasar, and Mr. Steven Bonica.  Please do not approach these suspects directly; they may be dangerous!  The students are continuing to look at and compare evidence this week - hair, fibers, fingerprints, and handwriting samples. (Please see the attached photo of our students working in their crime lab).  Ms. Laura Pritchard, Forensic Science teacher at MDYHS, hopes to announce the solution to the crime next week.  For stories such as these, along with all of the news at MDYHS, please see the latest issue of The Flame, our student newspaper, which is being distributed today.

As always, please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom, a relaxing Memorial Day weekend, and for a great week ahead!

Sincerely yours,

Rabbi Saul Zucker