Students are to report to MDYHS at 10:15AM on Sunday, June 2nd.
Students should wear black skirts or pants (no jeans); they will be given a t-shirt at school that morning.
We should be returning the high school at approximately 3:00PM on Sunday.
The Celebrate Israel Parade is a mandatory school day.
Students wishing to remain in the city on their own should fill out and return the attached form signed by a parent no later than Wednesday, May29th to the main office. Parents who do not sign the form but wish to pick up their child from the parade may do so. Students will not be released to any adult aside from a parent without the required form submitted in advance.
11th graders: We know that many of you are taking the SAT. Obviously, you can't be in two places at one time - if you submitted your registration form to Ms. Nasar you will be excused from the parade.
Permission Slip to Stay in the City 2013