Warriors' Week in Review
Dear Parents,
Although the year is winding down as we settle into the rhythm of the finals and the Regents exams, there has been an array of exciting developments and events at MDYHS this week, and it is a privilege to share a glimpse of some of them with you.
This past Sunday, MDYHS joined in the Celebrate Israel Parade, proudly marching up Fifth Avenue and joyously demonstrating our love and support for the State of Israel. Our theme this year focused on the sixth Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin. Under the talented leadership of our Assistant Principal,Mrs. Esther Tokayer, student artists Isaac Lati and Celia Cohen designed beautiful banners that a host of students then painted, and that our delegation carried with pride. The spirit of our students as they sang, danced, cheered, and waved to the supportive crowds was palpable - and as we turned off Fifth Avenue a group of the parade organizers told me how proud they were of the fantastic job that our students did. What a wonderful way to bring together enthusiastic spirit and creative artistry in showing how much Israel means to us! (Please see the attached photos from this beautiful event).
The theme of celebration continued on Tuesday evening, when our glorious seniors were feted at the annual Commencement Exercises in Walt Whitman Auditorium at Brooklyn College. With the greatest sense of dignity and pride, our wonderful twelfth grade celebrated their four years at MDYHS during this program. Highlights of the evening included valedictory addresses by Gloria Safdieh and Joseph Kassin, salutatory addresses by Lisa Jrada and Esther Hanon, thoughtful remarks by Lynda Russo, and an inspirational message by Leon Betesh. The Boys Varsity Basketball Team surprised coach Ikey Dweck by giving him a tribute presentation for his years of dedicated work with them. Everyone in attendance had the opportunity to take a nostalgic journey back through the past few years at MDYHS while watching a video produced by our own Mr. Daniel Kamelhar. And then the entire graduating class rose to sing their winning Shiriyah song, 'Im Eshkahekh, under the leadership of Rabbi Benzion Scheinfeld together with Leon Betesh and Benny Mann. As the beautiful melody filled the large hall - and parents, relatives, faculty, and friends swayed back and forth to the rhythm of our seniors' harmonies - I was overcome with a sense of pride for our amazing graduates, who are about to conquer the world. We will miss them between their return visits back home - to MDYHS. (Please see the attached photo from this incredible evening).
While our graduates were being honored at their ceremony, Rabbi Michael Bitton, our Director of Educational Technology, was being honored in Manhattan, at the Museum of Jewish Heritage. Rabbi Bitton was recognized by the Jewish Education Project (formerly the Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York) with the Young Pioneer Award - in tribute to his outstanding, landmark work in the area of EdTech. Rabbi Bitton was the sole winner in the entire metropolitan area for the category of high school educators. Upon accepting his award, Rabbi Bitton spoke so eloquently and poignantly about what educational technology can accomplish and the profound effect it has on student learning. His passion and dedication shone through in every word he said. Under Rabbi Bitton's leadership, MDYHS continues to lead the way in educational technology, to the great benefit of all our students and teachers. (Please enjoy Rabbi Bitton's acceptance speech at the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnoqVXWysA4&feature=youtu.be, and please see the attached photo from this wonderful tribute).
And on the same note, I am pleased to announce that our new Chief Academic Officer for General Studies, Mrs. Jennifer Levy, has been recognized for her outstanding work, also in the field of educational technology. EdTech Magazine (http://www.edtechmagazine.com/k12/) has named Mrs. Levy's blog(http://jennilevyesq.blogspot.com/) as one of the top 50 EdTech blogs in the entire country - in fact, it was placed at #3 for the whole USA! We are so proud of our talented and dedicated faculty for leading the way in creative, cutting edge education!
The educational program at MDYHS is "resume-driven" - meaning that we present our entering 9th graders with a blank resume template, and help them fill in all the boxes of this template over their four years here. These boxes include their academic program, their extra-curricular activities, leadership training, extensive involvement in hessed, life experience in the Internship Program, and a host of other areas that round out the students' great accomplishments and growth. When the student is ready to graduate, the rich, completed resume - and what it represents - is an invaluable tool in facing a meaningful, successful future. This past Wednesday evening, with the guidance of our Chief Strategy Officer and Senior Consultant, Dr. Abe Tawil, a newly formulated MDYHS Administrative Team came together to meet - with great excitement - to discuss plans for the coming academic year. Based upon a combination of corporate and educational models, this team consists of 10 divisional heads - corresponding to every single "box" in the student resume, along with support services. Each divisional head is an "owner" of one of the boxes in the student resume template, and by working closely together, the "owners" ensure a complete and meaningful experience in each field for every student. In next week's letter I plan to present a full outline of this fantastic administrative team.
And speaking of exciting developments within our administrative team, I am proud to announce that we are in the midst of forming an Academic Advisory Committee - consisting of 8 deans and professors from various universities including Columbia, NYU, Macaulay, Baruch, and Brooklyn. This committee will meet twice per year, reviewing our educational programs and providing counsel and guidance to our administrative team. We are fortunate to have the mentorship of such an illustrious and prominent group, and when the committee is complete, b'ezrat HaShem, I will introduce you to all of its members.
Last week I mentioned briefly our plans for the Middle States Association of Schools & Colleges' Accreditation Steering Committee. Quite a while ago, the State of New York stopped granting accreditation to private schools. As a result, many private schools no longer carry accreditation; however, a select number of schools have turned to the Middle States Association of Schools & Colleges (MSA)- the gold standard of accreditation - to thoroughly and rigorously review the school's programs, and - in the case of a successful outcome - grant accreditation to that school. The process of accreditation includes a yearlong self-study by the stakeholders of the school - administration, faculty, lay leaders, parents, and students - resulting in the creation of a book. This book describes the strengths, areas in need of improvement, and the vision and strategic plans for the short and long term future of the school. Following the production of this book, a team of educators from MSA spends an intensive week visiting the school, interviewing the various stakeholders, and meeting to discuss their findings. A favorable report results in the school's receiving the coveted status of accreditation. This process is repeated every ten years. MSA, the premier organization of accreditation in the northeast, accredits Princeton University....and MDYHS. In fact, MDYHS is the only yeshivah high school in Brooklyn to have earned this prestigious status. It has been ten years since our last accreditation visit, and our current Steering Committee, guiding us through the renewal process, will be headed by Ms. Audrey Nasar and Mrs. Shuli Sharvit. I know that we will gain immensely as a school and as a community from this rare and precious experience!
Finally, as we are about to face the summer, our students are making plans for vacation, spending time with family, and getting ready for summer internships. At the same time, many of our students have also asked their teachers to devote time to learning and studying with them - either to prepare for the future, or simply because the students enjoy the experience of learning, and the wisdom and company of the teacher involved. One such request came from a group of students who asked for summer classes to prepare for next May's Behinah Yerushalmit given by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for college credit. Plans are now underway, under the supervision of our Hebrew department chairperson Dr. Chagit Hadar, along with Mrs. Ariella Falack, to host these review classes in Deal, NJ, and to open them up to students from other yeshivot who would like to attend as well. I am so proud of our students' initiative and strong pursuit of their studies! This is the true mark of a scholar and a lifelong learner.
As always, please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom, a Hodesh Tov, and for a great week ahead!
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Saul Zucker