Friday, May 3, 2013

Warriors' Week in Review

Dear Parents,

What a fantastic week it has been at MDYHS!  It is an honor to share a glimpse of some of the events and programs of the past few days with you.

On Tuesday, our entire school was transformed by the gloriousSephardic Heritage Expo, designed and supervised by our Jewish History Department Chairperson Ms. Audrey Nasar, with the collaboration of the History and English departments.  Early in the school year, the entire sophomore class was divided into groups and each group was assigned a different topic on the community's precious history.  These topics included Life in Syria, Life in Egypt, Traditions and Life Cycles, Syrian Jews in World War II, theKitabPizmonim, Life on the Lower East Side, the Move to Bensonhurst, Syrian Food, the formation of SBH, and of course -the development of Magen David.  As part of their preparation throughout the year, students attended workshops, wrote research papers, designed beautiful and creative artwork, videotaped interviews with relatives, community members, and scholars, and designed "interactive museum-style exhibit booths."  And finally it all came together at the Expo!

On the morning of the event, our own Rabbi Joey Haber introduced a living legend - Mr. Mickey Kairey - who spoke to our entire student body about his own reflections on "the best community in the world" - and was kind and gracious in answering the students' questions.  The morning program included sweet, poignant performances by our wonderful Hazzanut Club, under the direction of Rabbi Jack Savdie, and our Boys Choir, under the direction of Rabbi Nir Shalom.  (Please enjoy these soul-stirring performances at the following links: Hazzanut  Choir- ).  The program in the afternoon consisted of the freshmen and juniors touring the exhibits - the docents in our Sephardic "museum" were the sophomores who had designed their booths.  I had the privilege of touring the exhibits, and was moved beyond words as the tenth graders told me about their grandparents' experiences in Syria, about the hardships of being a young immigrant, and about the pride in settling and being successful in America.  Highlights of this incredible tour included:

* a simulated immigration experience, complete with passports; a "plane ride" with an in-flight movie of an interview with a woman who shared her story of challenge and success as she came to this new country; and a walk through the customs and passport control at "Ellis Island"
* a recreation of a Lower East Side tenement
* a newsstand with copies of the Victory Bulletin - a community newsletter printed by young women during World War II
* a cooking demonstration (it was absolutely delicious!)
* a Syrian Souk
* a display of cover pages of rare Sephardic books
* an eight foot tall pyramid with the history of the Jews of Egypt engraved on its walls

The entire experience was truly indescribable!  What an amazing way for our students to take the majestic past of the community and bring it forward into their lives!  (Please see the attached photos from this extraordinary event).

The great sense of pride continued into Wednesday, when a select group of juniors were inducted into Arista - the National Honor Society for high school students.  Led by Mrs. Shuli Sharvit in a beautiful ceremony in front of the whole school, our inductees - who have achieved outstanding success in scholarship, leadership, character, and service - accepted the honor and the responsibility of this mantle of recognition.  Representing the entire group, Aaron Harari, Raquel Sabbagh, and Gloria Terzi spoke of their own pathway to academic accomplishment and middot development.  The program was so inspiring that quite a number of students came up to me after it was over to say that they cannot wait until next year, when they hope to join the ranks of scholars and leaders as well.  And so, the torch has been passed from one "generation" of students to another...  (Please see the attached photos from this great program).

And speaking of looking ahead to the future, this week's focus on theSenior Internship Program highlights the accomplishments ofJacqueline Beyda and Molly Maleh, who are working in the field ofChild Advocacy for the New York Foster Care System.  Jacqueline and Molly shadow social workers and child advocates, go to court to observe custodial hearings, and work with children who come through the system of foster care.  In one very moving case, a young girl who was in foster care was having a difficult time, and Jacqueline and Molly sat with the judge of the case and with the family, and over the course of time befriended the young girl, earned her trust, and helped to advocate on her behalf... so much so that yesterday at the agency, in the "bring your child to work day" program - designed by our very own interns - the foster child spent the entire time celebrating with her new "advocates" - Jacqueline and Molly.  Our future professionals have asked the agency if they could extend their internship beyond the MDYHS work dates, and the supervisor told us how much she "loves the MDYHS interns - they are invaluable to the entire program."  (Please see the attached photos of our interns in action).

And the great pride continues further... This coming week, b'ezrat HaShem, students in 8 different Talmud classes will be celebrating siyyumim - their completion of at least one full perek of Talmud.  Five classes have completed the 1st perek of Massekhet Makkot; two classes have completed the 3rd perek of Massekhet Megillah, and one class has completed the 2nd perek of Massekhet Megillah.  This is a fantastic accomplishment, not just for the content that the students have mastered, but for the skills that they have acquired and mastered as well.  In the ceremonies planned for next week, every Talmud Rabbi will be presenting an award to the "outstanding talmid" of each shiur.  I am so proud of our students' wonderful erudition and dedication to their learning, and I know that they will continued to grow me-hayil el hayil!

As I have often written before, dedication to learning and scholarship is hollow if it is not attached to a deep commitment to hessed.  TheMDYHS Girls Choir, under the leadership of Ms. Shaindel Antelis - a rising star in the world of Jewish music - sang in a community wide event for women, to support the Bar Mitzvah Foundation established by the Cornman family in memory of Ezra, a"h.  In a highly emotional day, our talented, young singers not only performed, but they also helped to set up for the entire program, sold raffle tickets and auction packages to help support the Foundation, and added to the sweetness and success of this memorable event.  (Please see the attached photo of our girls at their performance).  And following on the heels of this act of kindness, our students, under the direction of Ms. Elyse Nadjar, hosted a YACHAD program on Wednesday evening.  The activities included a mini-carnival for the developmentally disabled YACHAD group - golf, basketball, limbo, and other fun activities.  The YACHAD staff told us that they had never seen such a spirit of dedication and commitment to get involved as the one they saw in the MDYHS student body.  After the event, the program director wrote to us saying, "we can't stop raving about your students!  They were beyond thoughtful...they are so special."  The truth is - I don't know who gained more from this program, the YACHAD students or our own young hessed activists!  (Please see the attached photos from this inspiring evening).

While the calendar says "May" our seniors are still hearing about their great college admissions.  It is a pleasure for me to extend warm wishes of Mabrouk to Yvette Chaya on her acceptance to the LIU Pre-Pharmacy Program.  This program consists a six year curriculum leading to a Doctorate of Pharmacy degree, and is highly selective.  Yvette - we are so proud of you!  And while on the subject of success in our students' academic careers, I am pleased to note that this coming week we will, b'ezrat HaShem, begin a whole host of AP exams at MDYHS, including those of Chemistry, Biology, Calculus, English, History, Government, Spanish, Psychology, andStatistics.  At the same time, our faculty's amazing Lunch & Learn and after-class review sessions for the Regents Exams continue in full force.  We look forward to the outstanding results and achievements that our young scholars will produce.

Finally, in the area of sports, congratulations to the Varsity Softball Team, under the leadership of coach David Shamah, on their victory over the team of YDE by a score of 2-1, and kudos to the Junior Varsity Softball Team, under the leadership of coach Nathan Zalta, on their double-header win over the team of YDE by scores of 15-1 and 9-3... From the fields to the courts - congratulations to the Boys Varsity Tennis Team, under the leadership of coach Eddie Elbaz, on their "sweep" victory against the team of North Shore High School - played at the Arthur Ashe Stadium in Flushing Meadows - home of the US Open Tennis Tournament.  Our team won all three singles matches and both doubles matches that were played.  And kudos of the Boys Varsity Soccer Team, also under the leadership of coach Eddie Elbaz, on their win over the team of Ezra Academy by a score of 9-2.  Special mention goes to Liran Cohen who finished the season as one of the Yeshivah League's highest goal scorers with a total of 21.  TheWarriors are unbeatable!  For all the news and events of life at MDYHS, please see the latest issue of The Flame, our student newspaper, which is being distributed today.

As always, please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalomand for a great week ahead!

Sincerely yours,

Rabbi Saul Zucker