What a fantastic week it has been at MDYHS! It is a privilege for me to share a glimpse of some of the exciting programs and events of the past few days with you.
On Tuesday, under the direction of our own Dr. Abe Tawil, students in the 10th grade Entrepreneurship Classes participated in a special live webinar on Finance Jobs: What Do They Mean? designed and hosted by Baruch College's Executives on Campus. This seminar is usually reserved for college and graduate students only - and MDYHS was asked to participate by special invitation. Our students heard from - and had the chance to interact with - Jeff Bauml, senior vice president of R J O'Brien Futures Clearing Merchant, and from Stephen Bookbinder of Dow Jones & Company. The opportunity to network with industry professionals and to learn from them is a wonderful introduction to the world of business and finance, and our eager students left the webinar with new strategies and insights on how to advance their success in career paths.
Success in the future also depends upon great leadership skills. Today, six of our sophomores (Jack Avidan, Gitta Cohen, Ricky Cohen, Charles Dana, Frieda Gindi, and Esther Haser) along with six students of the eighth grade who have been selected as MDYHS Scholars for the upcoming school year (Alice Hedaya, Luiza Kameo, Lawrence Kurtz, Morris Mamiye, Audrey Sardar, and Neil Shweky) are participating in the Youth Bridge of NY Leaders to Leaders Youth Summit. Guided by Rabbi Richard Tobias and Mrs. Joyce Saad, our delegation is participating in case study Sessions with 6 entrepreneurial leaders, and in a series of mini-sessions on organizational skills, including time management, budget, teamwork, marketing, and the development of a campaign. The objective of the summit is for the student delegations to form a network of youth leaders, and to design and implement a diversity campaign within the community. The next generation of MDYHS leaders is well on its way!
And speaking of great leaders, four of our student leaders from the 11th and 12th grades - Hannah Cohen, Yoni Hadar, Esther Hanon, and Aaron Harari - traveled to the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington DC, from Sunday through Tuesday. Under the leadership of Ms. Audrey Nasar, our delegation met with Ambassador Michael Oren (please see the attached photo), and heard a host of panel sessions that included Vice President Joe Biden, Senators John McCain, Charles Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Robert Menendez, Congressman Eric Cantor, diplomat and author Dennis Ross, and former Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Our students attended special lobbying training sessions, and even took some time to experience the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra as well as the sites of Washington DC. This rich cultural experience and leadership training will help to ensure that the future - in the hands of MDYHS stars, b'ezrat HaShem - is a bright one. (Please see the attached photos from this amazing trip).
One does not develop into a star leader without the skill of great oratory. To that end, our senior Public Speaking Class, taught by Mrs. Laurie Michaels, began its series of student Informative Speeches this week. The students were tasked with constructing and delivering a powerful public speech in front of their peers, and they excelled - in topics as diverse as the effects of the media on society, the Israel-Arab conflict, drinking and driving, and eating disorders. The benefits of oratory skills include heightened self-confidence, and poise during interviews, and our students are learning this lesson so well.
I was thrilled to meet recently with the past Associate Dean of the NYU Stern School of Business, Dr. Susan Greenbaum, to discuss plans for enhancing our excellent record of college admissions even further. Dr. Greenbaum will be leading a seminar workshop for our College Guidance & Career Counseling Services Department in April, where the team will discuss challenges and problem-solving strategies using models of best practices. In addition, Dr. Greenbaum will design and lead two Parent Workshops, one for parents of entering 9th and 10th grades in early May, and one for parents of entering 11th and 12th grade in mid-May. These workshops will engage and educate parents about the entirety of the college admissions process, and what it takes to promote highly successful outcomes. We welcome Dr. Greenbaum to the MDYHS team!
And while on the subject of college admissions, I am so proud and happy to extend warm wishes of Mabrouk to the following seniors on their recent admissions and merit-based scholarship awards:
Michael Mamiye - SUNY Binghamton
Ally Menasche - New York City College of Technology, College of Staten Island
Carol Missry - College of Staten Island
Carol Mizrahi - Baruch College
Rosie Mosseri - Baruch College
Marc Saadia - NYU - Poly, with a Poly Promise Scholarship of $6,750 per year for four years, for a total of $27,000, Northeastern University
Barry Sitt - Hunter College, City College of New York
Abraham Tobias - University of Maryland, with a Presidential Scholarship of $5,000 per year for four years, for a total of $20,000
Success in college and beyond requires a strong anchor - one that is rooted in the mind and heart, one that gives the student strength and pride in his or her heritage and Torah values. In that regard I was moved beyond words from my experience at last weekend's Freshmen-Sophomore Seminar Shabbaton, under the leadership of our Director of Student Activities, Rabbi Benzion Scheinfeld. The sight of students sharing moments with their friends and their teachers all together as one - eating the Shabbat meals together, singing in beautiful harmony as Rabbi Ikey Tawil and Rabbi Scheinfeld led the "circle singing" - was so touching and inspirational. The powerful speeches by Mrs. Shira Berkowitz and Mrs. Jackie Bitton, and the learning sessions led by a host of our faculty - all stimulated passionate discussion and interaction between teachers and students. I take those images with me, and from them I know that the future of the community is ensured - because the anchor is so strong.
And that anchor was reinforced further this week when our senior boys, led by Rabbi Isaac Escava and Rabbi Joey Haber, went to visit Rav Reuven Feinstein, a world renowned Torah leader. Our 12th graders heard words of guidance and hizuk from this great Rosh Yeshivah, as he spoke to them about Trust in HaShem. (Please see the attached photo from this inspiring visit). Our boys finished their trip with a lively game of paintball followed by a delicious meal at Shnitzel Restaurant. While the 12th grade boys were enjoying these activities, our 12th grade girls were gathering with their mothers and grandmothers for our annual Mother-Daughter Brunch. The program began with a devar Torah given by Mrs. Aura Sutton, and was followed by a wonderful speech from Gloria Sitt, who spoke about the importance of appreciating all that our mothers do for us. Sally Shrem then presented a video filled with personal messages from our young ladies to their mothers. Finally Ms. Linda Benun led interactive workshops where mothers and daughters acted out a given scenario - but with each playing the role of the other, and the entire audience participated in a game prepared by Rachel Naftali and Frieda Sabbagh, entitled How Well Do You Know Your Daughter? (Please see the attached photos from this memorable program). What a great and fun way to share the loving bond of mesorah from generation to generation!
Our week was rounded out with beautiful hessed activities led by our students: on Tuesday morning, four of our students - Leon Betesh, Lisa Chakkalo, Benny Mann, and Gloria Terzi - went with Rabbi Scheinfeld to the WFMU radio station in Jersey City to help in their annual telethon for the Jewish Moments in the Morning radio program. And while there, our students were interviewed live on the air! (Please see the attached photo from this radio session). Check out their wonderful radio interview at http://www.wfmu.org/playlists/
Finally, we are so proud of our Girls Torah Bowl Team - led by Rabbi Jack Savdie - for their great victory over the team of Shulamith High School in the playoffs. Kudos to Gloria Safdieh for her high score. And on the subject of high scores, on Wednesday the entire school celebrated the winning seasons of the Boys Varsity Basketball Team and the Girls Volleyball Team with a spirited Pep Rally organized by the SGO. (Please see the attached photos from this wonderful rally). The lively cheering raised the roof as our teams were introduced and celebrated. I know you join me in wishing great success to our mighty Boys Varsity Basketball Team, under the superb leadership of coach Ikey Dweck, as they compete in the 22nd Annual Red Sarachek Basketball Tournament at Yeshiva University - starting today and ending on Monday. Our first game is scheduled for this afternoon at 12:30 pm against the YULA Panthers. All games can be viewed live via webcast at www.macslive.com. Go Warriors!
For all the exciting news at MDYHS, please see the latest issue of our student newspaper The Flame, which is being distributed today. As always, please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom, a Hodesh Tov, and for a great week ahead!
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Saul Zucker