Friday, February 15, 2013

SAT Workshop

I am pleased to announce the opening of the MDYHS SAT Workshop Program for students of 10th and 11th grades.  As we have discussed at the various college evening programs, the SAT is approximately 50% of what the college admissions officers consider when they review students applications.  Success on the SAT is critical!  We are providing this workshop free of charge for students - there are 16 sessions, each of which focuses on a specific area designed to ensure improvement in SAT scores, both in verbal and math areas.  Students may choose to come to any or all of the sessions - based upon what you would like to focus on.  (Please see the attachment for a complete schedule with a brief description of each session topic).  All sessions will be taught by Mrs. Sara Haleva, a professional SAT coach with an outstanding record of proven success - sessions will be held at the MDY elementary school.  Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity!  Together, we can help our students in their pathways toward success.

Sincerely yours,

Rabbi Zucker