Dear Parents,
What an amazing week it has been at MDYHS – it was very difficult for me to choose from among the many exciting programs and events to share with you in this letter. I know you will enjoy this glimpse of these past few days at school.
On Tuesday the department of College Guidance & Career Counseling Services, under the direction of Mrs. Debbie Solomon, hosted a Career Breakfast for seniors. Fourteen different professionals representing the following careers enjoyed breakfast “power meetings” with our seniors: dentistry, education, engineering, finance, graphic design, interior design, law, medicine, physical therapy, politics, real estate, retail sales, and technology. Each representative discussed his or her respective field, its challenges, and the requirements at college necessary to succeed in that area. Students rotated tables, such that they were able to meet with 3 representatives of their choice. (Please see the attached photos from this wonderful breakfast program). The future captains of industry and leading professionals are getting their head starts at MDYHS!

Our sophomores have recently been studying Latin American literature in their English classes, and department chairs Mrs. Rachel Harari (English) and Mrs. Leah Cymet (Spanish), seized upon the opportunity to coordinate in presenting a bilingual unit to the students. Working on the short story “The Interminable Life” by Isabel Allende, the 10th graders did reports both in English and in Spanish, exploring the themes of this meaningful piece of literature. (Please see the attached photo of their beautiful work).
And in the spirit of interdisciplinary programming, our English classes across the grades had the fantastic opportunity to experience acting workshops led by Ms. Jocelyn Greene, founder and director of the Child’s Play School of Theater. The purpose of the workshops was to expose the students to acting techniques and help them appreciate the character development and story line that are so much a part of literature. Students met with me after the workshops asking when the next one will take place – we have already invited Ms. Greene to continue the program in coordination with the English department.

Continuing on the theme of taking things to heart, our sophomore girls, under the direction of their wonderful Grade Dean Mrs. Esther Muller, have been getting together on Thursday evenings to bake hallot at Mrs. Muller’s house. In groups of 6 girls at a time, the students recite the berakhah and separate hallah, and Mrs. Muller instructs them on braiding the dough. Along with our own Ms. Sally Mishanieh, Ms. Audrey Nasar, and Mrs. Shara Netkin, the students and teachers talk, bond together, and bake cookies while waiting for the dough to rise. All the girls receive a special “hafrashat hallah birkon” and they – along with the teachers – say that it is one of the highlights of their week! (Please see the attached photo from this beautiful program).
Finally, in the arena of sports, our Boys Varsity Basketball team, under the great leadership of coach Ikey Dweck, were victorious over the team of JEC by a score of 48-36 in a very exciting game. Morris Dweck and Jeffrey Pardo were the high scorers with 15 and 14 points respectively. And later in the week the boys defeated the team of SAR by a score of 51-46, with Jeffrey Pardo scoring 16 points and Morris Dweck scoring 15 points. Continuing the momentum, last night our team won again the team of Ohr Torah by a score of 62-13, with Morris Dweck scoring 19 points. The Warriors are unstoppable!
As this coming week is Hannukah, MDYHS is about to be transformed with our legendary annual Shiriyah! I look forward to writing all about it to you next week, b'ezrat HaShem. As always, please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom and for a great week ahead! Happy Hannukah to you and your family!
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Saul Zucker