Monday, December 31, 2012
Seminar: Take your Passion and Make it Happen
The theme of this weekend's Seminar was PASSION. What are you passionate about? How are you going to make that dream a reality?
Speeches from the weekend to follow....
Warriors' Week in Review
Dear Parents,
What a fantastic week it has been at MDYHS! It is a pleasure for me to share a glimpse of some of the programs and events of the past few days with you.
Yesterday, seventeen students from all four grades at MDYHS were privileged to visitRockefeller University in New York City for a science seminar, arranged by Mr. Steven Kaye, our Intel Science Talent Search Director. Our young scientists heard a presentation by a leading biologist on the interaction of bacteria and human cells. Following the lecture, the presenter was extremely impressed with the question that 11th grader Ikey Shuster posed about how a physician would differentiate between harmless and harmful pathogens in the course of a bodily exam. When the students returned from the trip, 12th grader Leon Betesh told me, "I found it exciting to be on the campus of a prestigious science research facility. I had the chance to see how the roots of knowledge that we explored in high school biology classes are expanded upon in the real world of science." The future pioneers of science are coming out of MDYHS! (Please see the attached photo from this wonderful visit).
While some introductions to higher learning and career paths for MDYHS students occur during visits to places such as Rockefeller University, other such introductions occur within MDYHS itself. On Tuesday, our entire 11th grade was treated to the first of a series ofCareer Breakfasts for Juniors. Designed by our College Guidance & Career Counseling Services department under the direction of Mrs. Debbie Solomon, Mr. Steve Harris, and Mr. Daniel Zide, the Career Breakfast had adults from the community - and beyond - representing career paths in 14 different fields: accounting, business, computers / technology, dentistry, education, finance, human resources, law, medicine, music, non-profit, psychology, real estate, and retail sales. Students had "power breakfast" discussions with the career representatives who spoke about their respective fields and what it takes to prepare for and excel in those fields. Each student had the opportunity to meet with 3 different career representatives. The program has already sparked excited interest in summer internship programs among our students. (Please see the attached photos from this great program).
And speaking of career preparation, our seniors were treated this week to the second of a series of presentations by Ricky Cohen, CEO of Conway, on the topic Risk to Succeed. Mr. Cohen spoke about how a student could get the most out of an internship experience, how an intern can contribute to the business even at a young age, and how he or she can get noticed. Our seniors engaged in a wonderfully spirited dialogue with Mr. Cohen, and they loved the specific strategies for success that they were able to learn. Mr. Cohen, in turn, remarked that the MDYHS students are in a league of their own in terms of their preparedness to go out into the career world. The next step in Risk to Succeed is aseries of webinars in which our students will participate. Look out world - the young MDYHS entrepreneurs are coming!
Our career path program is complemented so well with our students' exposure to high culture. This past Wednesday, Mrs. Natalie Greenberg took a delegation of MDYHS students to the Guggenheim Museum in New York City to see the Picasso Black and White exhibit. Prior to the trip, the students had researched Picasso and had written an essay about the artist. Mrs. Greenberg mentioned that the students' interest and enthusiasm were not confined to the artwork alone - they extended as well to the architecture of the museum's classic building, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Please see the attached photos from this enlightening visit).
The students' appreciation for creativity also extends to the written word. This past Monday, twenty-five Book Club members, under the leadership of juniors Hannah Cohenand Zachary Mosseri and under the direction of our librarian Mrs. Bruchie Weinstein, met to discuss Unwholly by Neal Shusterman. The excitement in the room was contagious as students debated analyses of plot and character development, and as they drew parallels between media propaganda in the book and in current advertisements. The Book Club members decided upon their next selections, The Giver and The Son by Lois Lowry, which they plan to discuss in February. What a great way to develop a passion for reading and for critical thinking. And while on the subject of clubs, please see the attached photo of our Cooking Club, under the direction of Mrs. Shara Netkin - our young chefs delighted in making tiramisu this week. Iron Chefs - beware the culinary experts of MDYHS!
No view toward future success is possible without a grand appreciation of the past. In that spirit, MDYHS was proud to host its Grandparents Breakfast this week, under the direction of our Hebrew department chairperson Dr. Chagit Hadar. The entire 9th grade had completed a project entitled Shorashim (Roots) in which each student interviewed his or her grandparent(s). The students then wrote a story in Hebrew about what they learned about their grandparents. At the breakfast we were privileged to host 65 sets of grandparents, along with our students and parents. Six 9th graders introduced their grandparents to the audience, and everyone enjoyed the delicious breakfast and wonderful conversation. Students told me afterward how much they appreciated the links to the previous generation, and what a strong bond they felt with their own grandparents over this warm event. What a beautiful lesson to take with us throughout our lives - and to pass on to yet the next generation. (Please see the attached photos from this inspiring and poignant event).
The warmth of our students was felt also at an event earlier in the week as well. TheYACHAD Shabbaton, coordinated by our Director of Hessed Programs, Ms. Elyse Nadjar, at which over a hundred MDYHS students and faculty participated, was an awesome sight. Our students served as role models and mentors as they helped the developmentally disabled youth of YACHAD - eating together, singing and dancing over Shabbat into Mosaei Shabbat. Many of our students told me that what they were able to give to the YACHAD members was nothing compared to what they received from being helpful to them. MDYHS students - we are so proud of you; you have learned the warmth of our heritage so well! (Please see the attached photo from this great program).
This week also saw two inspiring programs - one spiritual and one physical - for our students. On Wednesday, all of the MDYHS girls had the great privilege of hearing a presentation by renowned inspirational speaker Charlie Harary, arranged by our own Ms. Sally Mishanieh. Mr. Harary spoke about the power and meaning of tefillah, and how every Jew can find meaning in life by first looking inside and seeing the strength thatHaShem has given us. Our young ladies were enthralled by Mr. Harary's dynamic, sometimes humorous, and always meaningful messages. And yesterday, our 12th graders heard a presentation from SAFE, arranged by our own Ikey Dweck, on the critical messages of not phoning or texting while driving. A panel of police officers spoke to the students and impressed upon them the live-saving import of this lesson, and I was very impressed with the mature and well-formulated questions and comments that the students had for the officers.
Finally, in the area of sports, I am pleased to report that our Boys Varsity Basketball Team, under the great leadership of coach Ikey Dweck, defeated the team of Simhat Hayim by a score of 69-29. The higher scorer of the game was Morris Dweck with 20 points. Last night, the boys' team were victorious over the team of Yeshiva of Flatbush by a score of 70-54. Morris Dweck was again the high scorer with an impressive 23 points. Go Warriors! Look for all the sports scores as well as other breaking news at MDYHS in the latest issue of our student newspaper, The Flame, which came out today.
I write these words as I am about to go to the Junior-Senior Seminar Shabbaton, led by our Director of Student Activities Rabbi Ben Zion Scheinfeld. I am excited for the weekend, where more than 120 of our students will spend Shabbat with faculty and alumni in Somerset, NJ. I look forward to telling you all about it in next week's letter. In the meantime, as always, please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom and for a great week ahead!
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Saul Zucker
Monday, December 24, 2012
Warriors Week in Review
Dear Parents,
What a fantastic week it has been at MDYHS! It is an honor and a privilege for me to share a glimpse of some of our programs and events with you.
On Monday evening, our Department of College Guidance & Career Counseling Services, under the direction of Mrs. Debbie Solomon, hosted the 11th grade students and their parents at a College Admissions Orientation Session. Speaking before a packed audience, the College Guidance staff returned the students' PSAT score reports while carefully explaining how to interpret them. We then spoke about 6 specific, proven strategies designed to help students dramatically increase SAT scores. And we rounded out the evening by planning for a "portfolio writing approach" in developing the college essay for each student, as well as an approach to securing the best possible letters of recommendation from faculty members. As the program concluded, many students and parents came over to say how much they enjoyed the presentation, and how they now feel armed to face the future. And speaking of college admissions, Mabrouk to Renee Sutton upon her early acceptance to NYU, and to Danielle Chera upon her early acceptance to Marymount College. We are so proud of you!
The road to success at college and beyond begins with a visionary approach while at high school. In that regard, our Director of Educational Technology, Rabbi Michael Bitton, recently attended a university conference on EdTech. Tapping into the latest developments and expectations of the colleges and universities, Rabbi Bitton will be training our faculty on helping students to develop their own e-portfolios. (For a detailed description of the amazing value of e-portfolios, please visit In three years, many - if not most - college applicants will need to submit an e-portfolio as part of their applications, and MDYHS students will be getting a head start by working on them this coming spring!
And this visionary approach is not limited to technology - it permeates the basic foundation of our educational program. Starting in January, the school's progress reports for all core subjects will contain a new section on Skills Sets Assessments. Each department at MDYHS has identified the essential skills sets for its own discipline, and has charted how these skills sets fit into Bloom's Taxonomy. (For a depiction of Bloom's Taxonomy - the skills maps that many colleges use as a template for learning - please visit Parents and students will be able to see at a glance how the student is progressing in the skills necessary to excel in high school, college, and beyond. This informative, innovative step has been lauded by every college that we spoke to about our plans!
As part of the development of the students' skills sets, our own Mr. Joe Naftaly, along with Dr. Abe Tawil, took his 9th grade class to the University of Pennsylvania yesterday. The students visited the archeology laboratories at U of P in connection with their Global Studies work. They had the special privilege of touring the university campus, and of seeing an exhibit about the Mayans in the university museum. Students told me how excited they were as freshmen to visit a world class college campus and to see the fascinating work of archaeologists up close. Indiana Jones, look out - MDYHS young scholars are coming! This trip to U of P followed Mr. Naftaly's 10th grade trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Our students conducted a study at the museum wherein they compared works from the Middle Ages with works from the Renaissance, and they saw the Arms and Armor exhibit to understand the evolution of armor throughout history. (Please see the attached photos from our young scholars' trip).
Our future entrepreneurs and business leaders took another step closer to their successful futures in their Small Business Management Panel presentations. Students in Dr. Abe Tawil's CUNY credit class at MDYHS were tasked with arranging seminars by prominent business managers and leaders. Our young captains of industry designed and arranged four panel presentations over the course of the week: "Climbing Corporate America" included a seminar by a product developer at AOL and at the Huffington Post, along with a compensation analyst for Foot Locker Inc. "Politics in Business" included a seminar by City Councilman David Greenfield. "Management of Profit and Non-Profit Organizations" included a seminar by a leading administrator at SBH and the CEOs of Rock and Wrap It Up, Gourmet Baskets, and Esquire Management. And "Business Startups by Entrepreneurs Under 30" included a seminar by some of our own community's rising, shining stars. The MDYHS students learned about how important it is to push themselves toward success, how to communicate and to network, and how private and public industries are connected. The students were bubbling over with enthusiasm as they spoke about how exciting it was to bring the real world into the halls of MDYHS. (Please see the attached photos from our students' great seminars).
While using their wonderful minds to study assiduously, our students also use their warm hearts to help others compassionately. With the guidance of our Director of Hessed Programs, Ms. Elyse Nadjar, our students organized the MDYHS Blood Drive yesterday, under the auspices of the NY Blood Center. Led by seniors Gabrielle Sabbagh and David Zami, our students participated in the donation of 70 units of blood - enough to help 210 people in need. In addition, through the participation of the Stella Liniado Rainbow Foundation, our students also joined the National Bone Marrow Registry. We were so pleased to welcome back alumni Max Cohen, Stanley Cohen, Ezra Dayan, Sol Dayan, and Nathan Tawil, who also helped in the organization of yesterday's program. Students - your caring and devotion are a model for all to emulate! (Please see the attached photo from today's Blood Drive).
On a lighter side of this week's events, our Director of Student Activities, Rabbi Ben Zion Scheinfeld, arranged for a delegation of our students to be greeted personally by an administrator of the NY Nets, and for them to stand on the court of the Barclays Center, right next to the NY Nets team, during the singing of the national anthem before the game on Tuesday night against the Utah Jazz. (Please see the attached photo of the MDYHS students showing the Nets how it's done!). While the Nets ultimately lost to the Jazz, our students loved their role in the spotlight that evening. And while some were seeing stars on the basketball court, others were fashioning stars out of paper - as part of their Mandarin class, led by Ms. Yen, our students were taught the art of Chinese paper cutting - (please see the attached photo of our "Asian Artisans") - and still others were reaching beyond the stars in their beautiful harmonies as part of the Boys Choir - (please see the attached photo of Rabbi Nir Shalom conducting our budding young hazzanim).
Finally, in the area of inter-school competitions, our Boys Torah Bowl Team, led by Rabbi Jack Savdie, were victorious over the team of Ramaz by a score of 18-8, and they defeated the team of SAR by a score of 15-10. The high scorers were Joseph Kassin, Jack Nasar, and David Savdie. Our Boys Varsity Basketball Team, under the leadership of coach Ikey Dweck, defeated the team of Yeshiva of Flatbush by a score of 61-52, with Marc Sayegh scoring 19 points and Morris Dweck scoring 16 points. Our Boys Junior Varsity Hockey Team, under the leadership of coach Eddie Elbaz, defeated the team of Solomon Schechter High School by a score of 3-2, with Eddie Mamiye getting the hat-trick. And our Girls Volleyball Team, under the leadership of coaches Margie Mathews and Michele Cohen, won a double-header this week against the team of Bruriah High School by a score of 4-0, and two single matches against the team of Shulamith High School by a score of 4-0. The Warriors are unstoppable!
As always, please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom, for a meaningful 'Asarah BeTevet, and for a great week ahead!
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Saul Zucker
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Purchase Your MDY Apparel Now!
The SGO has worked extremely hard designing and ordering your NEW school apparel. Please follow the link and order your apparel straight from the Web Store! (Once you choose a size, the options will appear).
Friday, December 14, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Attention Juniors
Dear Juniors,Mr. Arbesfeld will be offering free SAT preparation in Math during lunch periods starting the week of 12/17 and continuing until the week of the May SAT Exam. The schedule will be as follows:1. Students who are interested should come directly to the classroom with their lunch or purchase lunch and bring it to the classroom.2. Only students with good behavior will be permitted to stay in class.3. This is a voluntary program so attendance is not mandatory however, it essential to attend on a regular basis to benefit from the program.Mr. RaderMathematics Chairman
Monday, December 10, 2012
Sephardic Heritage Expo Update
Dear Students,Happy Hanukkah!I just wanted to give you some updates and reminders concerning your Sephardic Heritage project.
- Your outlines are due on Monday, December 24th. In order to complete your outline, you must have read through your research and have come up with three main points about your topic and, at minimum, 2-3 pieces of supporting evidence for each main point. Your Global teachers will review the format and you each have a sample outline in your folders.
- Most groups have made appointments with Miss Nasar to review their research and to find new materials. If you have not yet submitted your research, or if you are having trouble finding sources, please email Miss Nasar for an appointment immediately.
- Your interviews must be recorded so they can be a part of your booth. Try to do as many interviews as possible before the outline due date, so that you can include that information in the outline. Please email your interview questions to Miss Nasar for feedback. If you are having trouble finding people to interview, please ask the faculty member whose name is in your folder under the title "MDY Resource."
- Please start thinking about your booth design. By the end of the week, one member from each group should email Miss Nasar a paragraph describing their vision for their booth. This is just a preliminary vision and changes can be made. Think big and we will try to make it happen! Once I receive your vision, I will meet with you concerning materials, etc.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Warriors' Week in Review
Dear Parents,
What an amazing week it has been at MDYHS – it was very difficult for me to choose from among the many exciting programs and events to share with you in this letter. I know you will enjoy this glimpse of these past few days at school.
On Tuesday the department of College Guidance & Career Counseling Services, under the direction of Mrs. Debbie Solomon, hosted a Career Breakfast for seniors. Fourteen different professionals representing the following careers enjoyed breakfast “power meetings” with our seniors: dentistry, education, engineering, finance, graphic design, interior design, law, medicine, physical therapy, politics, real estate, retail sales, and technology. Each representative discussed his or her respective field, its challenges, and the requirements at college necessary to succeed in that area. Students rotated tables, such that they were able to meet with 3 representatives of their choice. (Please see the attached photos from this wonderful breakfast program). The future captains of industry and leading professionals are getting their head starts at MDYHS!

Our sophomores have recently been studying Latin American literature in their English classes, and department chairs Mrs. Rachel Harari (English) and Mrs. Leah Cymet (Spanish), seized upon the opportunity to coordinate in presenting a bilingual unit to the students. Working on the short story “The Interminable Life” by Isabel Allende, the 10th graders did reports both in English and in Spanish, exploring the themes of this meaningful piece of literature. (Please see the attached photo of their beautiful work).
And in the spirit of interdisciplinary programming, our English classes across the grades had the fantastic opportunity to experience acting workshops led by Ms. Jocelyn Greene, founder and director of the Child’s Play School of Theater. The purpose of the workshops was to expose the students to acting techniques and help them appreciate the character development and story line that are so much a part of literature. Students met with me after the workshops asking when the next one will take place – we have already invited Ms. Greene to continue the program in coordination with the English department.

Continuing on the theme of taking things to heart, our sophomore girls, under the direction of their wonderful Grade Dean Mrs. Esther Muller, have been getting together on Thursday evenings to bake hallot at Mrs. Muller’s house. In groups of 6 girls at a time, the students recite the berakhah and separate hallah, and Mrs. Muller instructs them on braiding the dough. Along with our own Ms. Sally Mishanieh, Ms. Audrey Nasar, and Mrs. Shara Netkin, the students and teachers talk, bond together, and bake cookies while waiting for the dough to rise. All the girls receive a special “hafrashat hallah birkon” and they – along with the teachers – say that it is one of the highlights of their week! (Please see the attached photo from this beautiful program).
Finally, in the arena of sports, our Boys Varsity Basketball team, under the great leadership of coach Ikey Dweck, were victorious over the team of JEC by a score of 48-36 in a very exciting game. Morris Dweck and Jeffrey Pardo were the high scorers with 15 and 14 points respectively. And later in the week the boys defeated the team of SAR by a score of 51-46, with Jeffrey Pardo scoring 16 points and Morris Dweck scoring 15 points. Continuing the momentum, last night our team won again the team of Ohr Torah by a score of 62-13, with Morris Dweck scoring 19 points. The Warriors are unstoppable!
As this coming week is Hannukah, MDYHS is about to be transformed with our legendary annual Shiriyah! I look forward to writing all about it to you next week, b'ezrat HaShem. As always, please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom and for a great week ahead! Happy Hannukah to you and your family!
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Saul Zucker
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Warriors' Week in Review
Dear Parents,
What an amazing week it has been at MDYHS - filled with exciting programs and events. It is an honor for me to share a glimpse of some of them with you.
Last night, the Department of College Guidance & Career Counseling Services, under the direction of Mrs. Debbie Solomon and assisted by Mr. Steven Harris, Mr. Daniel Zide, and Ms. Tova Werner, hosted the annual MDYHS College Fair. Seventeen colleges and universities were represented, including such popular MDYHS choices as Barnard, Baruch, Brooklyn, FIT, Macaulay Honors, NYU, and Sophie Davis. We were honored to have two senior level admissions officers among the representatives - Ms. Marianne Boufall-Tynan, the Director of Enrollment Management of the entire Macaulay Honors College, and Mr. Christopher Wanyonyi, the Director of Admissions of the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Studies. Parents and students had the opportunity not only to learn about various college programs, admissions criteria, tuition assistance, and life on campus, but they also had the opportunity to establish relationships with some of the college officers who will be reading their applications and taking part in the admissions decisions. This is a great way for our students to get an "edge" in the college acceptance process. I was so proud to hear from the various representatives about how impressed they were with the students and parents that they met.
Magen David's involvement in our students' college experience does not stop at the students' acceptances to the colleges of their choice. We are pleased to offer our students ongoing career guidance during their college years as well. Our very own Dr. Abe Tawil has made himself available for mentoring and counseling our alumni, and many of our graduates have already seized this wonderful opportunity. I have seen the outpouring of gratitude in emails sent to Dr. Tawil for his invaluable assistance to our alumni. The foundation that has been set at MDYHS for our students' success continues well beyond our own hallways and classrooms.
And speaking of success, on Monday our entire senior class had the privilege of participating in the inaugural seminar Risk to Succeed led by Mr. Ricky Cohen, chairman and CEO of Conway, and sponsored by Morgan Stanley Wealth Management. While Risk to Succeed will be instituted at other schools in the tri-state area as well, MDYHS is the first school to host this wonderful program, which is designed to guide the students in factors and strategies necessary for success in career and in life. Students were spellbound as they listened and then participated in Mr. Cohen's workshops, which were built on themes explored by his recently published book - and which are designed as a series to continue throughout the year. The program ties in beautifully with the famed MDYHS Senior Internship Program. (Please see the attached photo from the seminar).
On a related note, our Principles of Investment class, led by Mr. Daniel Kamelhar, visited the NY Stock Exchange this week. Students learned about the history of the Exchange, its merger with Euronext, and the various markets including those of commodities and bonds. They then had the special privilege of seeing the market in action from the trading floor itself. Our future entrepreneurs and investors are well on their way! (Please see the attached photos from this amazing trip). While some MDYHS students were learning about futures, others were learning about pasts. The entire 9th grade, led by Mr. Joe Naftaly, Mrs. Joanne Auman, and Mrs. Natalie Greenberg, visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Guided by specific instructions and assignments - including an "art scavenger hunt" project - our students conducted a comparative study of artifacts from ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. (Please see the attached photos from this stimulating visit). And from the future and the past, we move to the present, where Mrs. Stephanie Shamah brought her Literature Across Cultures classes to New York's Lower East Side. Before the trip, students were tasked with creating original T-shirts depicting artworks or sayings associated with New York. Wearing their own handiwork, students were led by a professional tour guide through the former "Five Points," the Jewish Lower East Side, Chinatown, and Little Italy. Our classes had the chance to appreciate the layers of ethnic history in New York, and thereby learn about themselves and other people. (Please see the attached photo from this wonderful tour).
Last night, Magen David's Student Government Organization (SGO), under the leadership of Yoni Hadar, arranged a "Thursday Night Learning & Cholent" event. Rabbi Reuven Jacobsohn and I had the joyous privilege of teaching the students a shiur on the topic of Hanukkah while they feasted on delicious cholent. The great bonding between teachers and students while they learned lishmah - not for an exam or an assignment, but for its own sake - is inspiring. One of the students put it best when he said, "This program is great - food for the stomach and food for the soul!"
And while on the topic of the beautiful neshamot of our students, I was so proud of the MDYHS student body as they sponsored "A Day of Relief" for young boys and girls in Israel who had experienced the trauma of missile attacks in their neighborhoods. In a program coordinated by our own Rabbi Nir Shalom and our Director of Hessed Programs Ms. Elyse Nadjar, more than 1,000 youth from southern Israeli cities came to a major mall in Israel to have fun - they were joined by volunteers and artists for a host of enjoyable programs, and the boys and girls were given gifts at the end of the day. The event was so inspiring that Israeli radio broadcast a story about it - and they mentioned MDYHS's role in the program! (Please listen to the attached audio clip from that radio broadcast). What a beautiful way to reach out and make a great difference in the lives of others!
Finally, I am pleased to report that our Girls Varsity Volleyball team, under the wonderful leadership of coaches Margie Mathews and Michele Cohen, defeated the team of Bruriah High School by a score of 2-0 in the opening match of the season. And our Boys Junior Varsity Basketball team, under the great leadership of coach Aaron Shasha, was victorious over the team of JEC by a score of 68-54. Jack Chehebar and Joseph Grazi were the high scorers with 19 points each. Go Warriors! Look for all the sports scores as well as other breaking news at MDYHS in the latest issue of our student newspaper, The Flame, which came out today.
As always, please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom and for a great week ahead!
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Saul Zucker
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