As I walked into Magen David High School I saw people setting up many tri-boards all talking about the election and different issues such as the economy, abortion, same sex marriage, and many more. Most were well done. Later I found out that they were to be presented to the entire student body. It sounded fun! My class was called down and we thought we would have to just take notes on all of the presentations. However, when we arrived at the atrium we were sent to the Midrash and were given instructions to visit each exhibit and write three things we learned, two questions about the issues, and one thing we found interesting as well as how we felt about the program.
As I started to glance at all the tri-boards, one specifically caught my eye; the title was TAXES and no matter who you are in this world, everyone knows what taxes are. However I saw one little thing alien to my eyes which was the topic of death tax and this tax was bothering me so I asked the teacher in charge to explain this to me and she said when a person dies taxes are collected on property that is given to other family members as an inheritance. Then she asked me what I thought of the expo and I said it was wonderful and we were talking about the presidential debates and the election I said that Romney is an awesome candidate for president because the most important thing this country needs is jobs. Obama can’t help because he has a law degree and Romney has a business degree and plus he knows how money works and he started many companies like Staples.

One of the best questions you can ask yourself is does Romney know what he is getting himself into because one of the biggest reasons why presidents can’t fulfill the promises they make is because there are so many secrets in the government that we don’t know about as well as the presidential candidate until he is sworn in office. I hope all of America will vote for the best president that could help America the most. Best of luck to both candidates and God bless America.
Jack Avidan