Friday, September 28, 2012
Warriors Week in Review
Dear Parents,
I hope that your Yom HaKippurim was meaningful and fulfilling for you and your family. Once again the school week was shortened due to the holiday, and still there were many exciting programs and events during these few days at MDYHS - it is a privilege to share a glimpse of some of them with you.
On Monday morning, MDYHS was honored to host a special Selihot Gedolah program for the entire school. The tefillot were led by Rabbi Nir Shalom and Rabbi Jack Savdie whose sweet voices were inspirational. The two rabbis were assisted wonderfully by our own talented boys' choir. When the choir sang, one could sense the palpable admiration and appreciation by all the students present. The transmission of our beautiful heritage from one generation - the rabbis - to the next generation - the students - was so moving! (Please access the following link to see and hear a brief part of the wonderful Selihot program: Following the actual Selihot, our students had the opportunity to hear an inspiring message from our esteemed Rosh Yeshivah, Rabbi Harold Sutton, who spoke about the Power of Teshuvah: From the Heart and From the Mind. The program culminated in a delicious breakfast for students and faculty. I know that the message and values conveyed in this program will accompany us through the year!
On Monday afternoon, I had the great pleasure of joining Dr. Abe Tawil's Small Business Management (CUNY-credit) class at MDYHS. Dr. Tawil had arranged a seminar presentation for the class on D.I.S.C. - (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness) - four different styles that come together in business teamwork. The seminar was led by Ms. Ronny Berlin who serves on a Blue Ribbon Panel for the US Government, and has lectured at Baruch College, Cornell University, Hofstra University, and the United Nations. Over the past number of years, I have attended similar corporate seminars and workshops, and I can proudly say that our students' teams functioned together as smoothly as many of the corporate teams I have seen. The great future captains of industry are coming out of the MDYHS classrooms!
On Monday night, we hosted a fact-filled Orientation Program for our 12th Grade parents. The program focused on two main areas: the process of college admissions, and the unique Internship Program at MDYHS. Mrs. Debbie Solomon, Director of the Department of College Guidance & Career Counseling Services, ably assisted by Mr. Steven Harris, led parents through an array of information, tips, and strategies on the college application, admission, and enrollment process. This was followed by a presentation by Mrs. Sabrina Maleh, outlining the different components of one of the crown jewels of MDYHS - our Senior Internship Program. In truth, guidance regarding college admissions and career internships begins in the ninth grade and continues throughout the four years - during which students and parents are presented with programs designed to nurture the students along the way to great success. Whatever grade your child is in, he or she will participate in programs and meetings that focus on these important issues.
Yesterday, our students - under the supervision of our spirited Director of Student Activities, Rabbi Ben Zion Scheinfeld, with assistance from Mrs. Barbara Dweck, presented a Sukkot Fair to the student body. Select groups of students prepared special exhibits on the various themes of Sukkot - the Lulav & Etrog, the Sukkot Calendar, Sukkot in the Bet HaMikdash, and the structure of the Sukkah. Each class took a tour through this wonderful exhibit, and the "tour guides" were the students who had designed the various sections. It was wonderful to watch the students listening attentively to the guides. Each tour group had an Educational Packet to fill out, based on the exhibits, and successful completion of the packet earned the students fresh cotton candy which the tour guides gladly provided - representing the Ananei HaKavod - a major theme of Sukkot! Please see the attached photos from this beautiful event.
As we face Sukkot - zeman simhatenu - it is a pleasure for me to extend to you my warmest wishes for a joyous holiday - one imbued with the spirit of Torah and with the smiling faces of family and friends. I look forward to being in touch again after Sukkot. Mo'adim LeSimhah!!
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Saul Zucker
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Warriors Celebrate Sukkot
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Sukkot Fair led by Seniors '13 |
"This Succot, many 12th grade students helped organize and run a Succot Fair for all students. We first split up into a few groups and were given information about our topic. Much hard work was done assembling and creating our presentations. We got to learn extensive information like how we examine a lulab and etrog, how the actual days of Succot were determined, how this holiday was celebrated in the Bet Hamikdash, and much more. I am grateful for being a part of this and having the opportunity to learn such information. I felt I especially knew the information, having taught many groups of students who came to learn. This Fair was educational and rewarding to be apart of and wonderful to be able to teach other students. All of this would not have been possible without the hard work of Rabbi Scheinfeld and Rabbi Haber who spent much time making this event happen". -Sylvi Matalon
"Magen David Yeshivah High School recently hosted a Sukkot fair for the students to attend. It was a fun and educational experience, and I especially learned a lot from it. There were many festive, decorative booths in the fair that explained what Sukkot was all about, and I had the privilege in helping create and run the booth about the Jewish calendar. At first, I didn’t know much about the Jewish calendar pertaining to chag Sukkot. However, after learning about it, creating my booth, and teaching in the Sukkot fair, I gained much insight on not only the Jewish calendar (such as why we add two extra days total in America to the holiday), but on other aspects of Sukkot from the other booths as well (like the mitzvot the Jews used to do at the Beit Hamikdash during the time of Sukkot). It was so nice to see everyone learning about Sukkot and to really take it all in. I’m sure many applied what they learned to their holiday. I felt very proud of our school for hosting such a beautiful fair and for making sure everyone took Sukkot’s message to heart- to celebrate and be happy!"- Gloria Safdieh
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
IDF spending time at MDY
The week following Sukkot, MDY will be hosting an IDF unit. Students who are interested in planning this MONUMENTAL event, please see Ms. Nadjar (or email her @ )
MDY HS is also looking for community members to open their homes to members of the IDF (preferably walking distance from Ahava and Shaara Zion).
Week in Review
Dear Parents,
I hope this letter finds you well after an enjoyable Rosh HaShannah. Although the school week was short due to the holidays, there are quite a few exciting developments at MDYHS, and it is a pleasure to share some of them with you.
I recently returned from a visit to Brooklyn College where, I am proud to announce, MDYHS has established an official presence. As part of our ongoing relationship with CUNY, we have secured a large meeting room on campus for the exclusive use of Magen David throughout the year. During the fall and spring semesters our students will have the great benefit of visiting the college to hear seminar presentations by the Deans of different departments of Brooklyn College. These seminars are being arranged by Assistant Dean Lillian O'Reilly and our own Dr. Abe Tawil, and will include presentations in the areas of business, health sciences, law, education, and other topics of interest to our students. In addition, we will be hosting events for MDYHS alumni who are currently enrolled in Brooklyn College - for their own benefit, as well as to have the alumni interact with our present students, to help advise them. Our students thus have the wonderful advantage of learning from world class educators and of being guided by "big brothers and big sisters" - MDYHS alumni - as they look ahead to their future in higher education.
And speaking of "higher" education... one of the hallmarks of our curricular programs at MDYHS is Skills-Based Education. This approach emphasizes mastery of skills and methodology in all areas of study so that students can be independent, lifelong learners who are passionate and confident in their pursuits. With that in mind, our Limudei Kodesh departments, under the talented supervision of Rabbi Joey Haber and Rabbi Ely Matalon have unveiled a Skills-Based plan for each grade.
The Ninth Grade, in all of their Limudei Kodesh classes will focus on textual skills: voacbulary, terminology, syntax and textual structure.
The Tenth Grade classes will focus on learning how to draw inferences from the text, to extrapolate problems and solutions.
The Eleventh Grade classes will focus on how to analyze a text within its broader context, thereby expanding conceptual understanding.
The Twelfth Grade classes will focus on the skills necessary to do independent, sophisticated research.
Each subject area within a given grade - Humash, Halakhah, etc. - will be working on the same skills sets, thereby reinforcing those skills throughout the year. Further, this system provides a beautiful progression - the ninth grade skills are a necessary step for mastery of the tenth grade skills, and so on. Students have told me that they already see a wonderful difference in their learning, and they feel more excited and confident about their studies!
One of the primary goals of Skills-Based education is to encourage and nurture the students' creativity. In that spirit, the English Department, under the wonderful leadership of Mrs. Rachel Harari, announced today the formation of the MDYHS Journal of Arts & Sciences, designed to showcase and celebrate the extraordinary work of our students. The journal will include essays on literature and historical research, poignant college essays, poems, works in Hebrew and Spanish, artistic photography and drawings, reflections on hessed experiences, creative business plans, scientific findings, robotics, computer design, and entrepreneurship projects. I have no doubt that the future literary masters, scholars, financial leaders, artists, and professionals will be well represented in the pages of this new, prestigious journal!

Finally, MDYHS was proud to send a delegation of students recently to the World Trade Center Memorial. Led by our Director of Student Activities, Rabbi Ben Zion Scheinfeld, and our Forensics teacher, Ms. Laura Pritchard, the students toured the site, and learned of the heartfelt tragedy and inspiring heroism surrounding 9/11. The group sought out the name of Eli Chalouh on the memorial wall; Eli was an MDYHS alumnus who perished on 9/11. Our delegation returned to school appreciative of the gift of life that we enjoy every day, and inspired to help each other in every way we can. Please see the attached photos of this poignant and moving experience.
As we face Yom HaKippurim, I take this opportunity again to wish each of you a wonderful year - one of health, happiness, and fulfillment for you and for the entire MDYHS family. And as always, please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom and for a great week ahead!
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Saul Zucker
Week in Review
Dear Parents,
We are just about to complete our first full week of the school year, and it is a privilege and joy for me to share a glimpse of it with you.
Yesterday, our faculty who teach college credit courses at MDYHS met with the Associate Provost of Brooklyn College to discuss the profile and progress of these extraordinary classes given to our juniors and seniors. MDYHS is proud to offer CUNY credit courses in the areas of Business Law, Business Ethics, Small Business Management, Art History, and Nutrition Science. Students enrolled in these courses are given CUNY ID cards, and enjoy the full resources of the entire City University system, and earn college credit for their outstanding work. Life on the college campus for our students actually begins already, right within the classrooms of MDYHS!

This past Monday, the entire 9th grade participated in Freshmen Day at MDYHS. The program began with an "ice-breaker" activity, designed to help form relationships beyond the student's immediate social sphere. The grade then traveled to Ring Homestead in Middletown, NY, where they participated in "team-building" activities such as working together to climb up to a zip line, trapeze exercises, rock climbing, and tight-rope walking. It was a pleasure to see and hear students encouraging each other and cheering at the successes of their classmates. After the activities, students sat down with senior advisors and faculty for a picnic lunch and a group discussion about their new, upcoming life within the MDYHS family. After the event I spoke to a few students who told me that they enjoyed the opportunity to bond with new friends, and that when they came back to school they felt a new sense of closeness and camaraderie. (Please see the attached photos from Freshmen Day). The entire program was coordinated by our talented director of Student Activities, Rabbi Ben Zion Scheinfeld, with the help of the freshmen Grade Deans.
And speaking of Grade Deans, in preparation for the upcoming yom tov of Rosh HaShannah, each grade heard an uplifting message of Torah from its own Grade Dean. The entire program of the Grade Deans is designed to provide every student with anadvocate - someone on the faculty who will look after the student, help guide him or her, and help with troubleshooting and problem solving. The Grade Deans for each of the grades are as follows:
Freshmen: Rabbi Elinatan Bitton and Mrs. Beth Goldberg
Sophomores: Rabbi Ikey Tawil and Mrs. Esther Muller
Juniors: Rabbi David Elnadav, Mrs. Aura Sutton and Mrs. Rebecca Cohen
Seniors: Rabbi Richard Tobias and Mrs. Rachelle Tawil
Through the year, the Grade Dean will be meeting with your child to help in any way that he or she can. Please feel free as well to contact the Grade Dean if there is anything you would like to discuss or suggest in terms of your child's education and development in general. They are eager to assist!
I mentioned in last week's letter how exhilarating it is for me to visit different classes every day. I had the joy of visiting Mrs. Joyce Saad's Creative Writing class recently. As I entered the class, Mrs. Saad asked the students where and how an author might find inspiration for his or her writing. To demonstrate how an author might do this, Mrs. Saad told the students that they would embark on a "free-writing" exercise. She played 3 short musical pieces for the class, during which every student was tasked with writing his or her thoughts, feelings, impressions, and anything else that might come to mind. The students wrote furiously, and a discussion then ensued about how to translate what was written into the beginnings of a masterful Creative Writing piece. The lesson was absolutely brilliant and inspirational! I am confident that the future literary masters will be emerging from the halls of MDYHS!
As the country faces the next presidential election, MDYHS will have a special Election Convention of its own. Under the wonderful direction of our Social Studies Department Chair, Mrs. Shara Netkin, students in the 12th grade will present an Election Expo, focusing on the various issues and platforms that the candidates represent. The 11th grade will host a series of debates - where students will advocate for their candidate's positions. The top two debate winners will face each other in a "super debate" in front of the entire school on the eve of the national election. The 9th and 10th grades, after attending the Expo, will compose the questions to be asked at the "super debate." I have no doubt that our MDYHS politicians will do a superior job - I am sure that the actual candidates could learn a few things from our own students!
Finally, I am happy to report that some of our glorious Warriors teams have already had tryouts and team selections - and other teams will have tryouts in the near future. TheBoys Junior Varsity and Varsity Basketball teams have already been selected. TheBoys Junior Varsity and Varsity Hockey teams have had one round of tryouts, and will have one more before the teams are selected. Tryouts for the Girls Basketball andVolleyball teams will be held after Rosh HaShannah. I know you join me in looking forward to an exciting and outstanding season for all of our teams. Go Warriors!
As we approach Rosh HaShannah, it is my pleasure to wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and fulfilling New Year. Tizku LeShannim Rabbot!
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Saul Zucker
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Week in Review
Dear Parents,What a fantastic opening day of school we had yesterday! It was an extreme pleasure to see the atmosphere of stimulating and rigorous learning along with the warm smiles of the students in the classrooms, the hallways, and the cafeteria. I am confident that this atmosphere - one that is conducive to excellence - will continue all throughout the year.I passionately believe that truly successful education depends upon a strong partnership between the school and the home. In that spirit, I hope to be in touch with you every week - to tell you briefly about programs and events at MDYHS, and I invite you to call or e-mail with any questions, comments, and suggestions. Together, we can attain the greatest heights for our students' education!First, I am pleased to share some of the highlights of our students' accomplishments over the summer months. In July, we received the scores of our students' Behinah Yerushalmit course from Hebrew University. This college course in Hebrew Language & Literature, designed by the faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem - for which studentsearn credit accepted at most universities - is given to seniors as the culmination of their Hebrew Language program at MDYHS, under the direction of our talented department chair, Dr. Chagit Hadar. I am pleased to report that our students excelled tremendously in their accomplishments. The Hebrew University faculty awarded almost every single MDYHS student who took the 7 hour final exam - grades in the 90s - an unparalleled achievement. What a great tribute to our students' diligence and hard work!
Hard work, dedication, and excellence have their great benefits. MDYHS junior Albert Antar had a wonderful summer at Harvard University. Albert was accepted to Harvard's elite special program for high school students where he took an intensive Chemistry course, earning 8 college credits. He was in a class populated with engineers, college instructors, and other gifted high school students. While in Cambridge, Albert met a physician who invited him to come back next summer to do research work at Massachusetts General Hospital. The future medical miracle workers,b'ezrat HaShem, are coming out of MDYHS!
And the achievements continue.... Last evening, Albert, along with fellow classmate Yoni Hadar, attended a Science & Engineering colloquium hosted by Yale University. Attendance at the colloquium was by Yale's invitation only, and our students were privileged to hear presentations on Physics, Psychology, and Applied Science, in addition to meeting with Yale's Director of Admissions. We are proud of Albert and Yoni, knowing that they represented MDYHS so well.
Our students excel not only in the world of academics, but also in the world of Jewish communal involvement. Yoni, along with fellow classmate Hannah Cohen, have been accepted to the Stand With Us Teen Internship. This internship program is designed to train students in strategies to promote a positive image of Israel through unique campaigns tailored to the students' own community. The Regional Director of Stand With Us told our own Ms. Audrey Nasar - who coordinates the MDYHS Israel advocacy programs - that he was tasked with inviting only 16 students from across the entire East Coast, but that he was so impressed with the MDYHS applicants that he pleaded with the national organization to allow a 17th student - to have 2 from MDYHS - something that no other school had achieved. We look forward to the great programs that Hannah and Yoni will be bringing back to MDYHS!
The first days of classes have seen the distribution of syllabi and grading rubrics for every single class. Please ask your child to share a copy of these syllabi and rubrics. We believe that when students and parents see exactly what the objectives of each course are, how those objectives will be achieved, and how the students will be evaluated for their achievement - that only then can the students be ensured of attaining excellence. In addition, the English department, under the wonderful direction of Mrs. Rachel Harari, are training all the students in a five days Study Skills Seminar. Students are being guided in test-taking strategies, note-taking skills, and other ares designed to help them excel in MDYHS and beyond. While it is vital to identify goals of excellence for our students, true education means imparting a clear methodology to our students as to how to attain those goals.
The course of my day at MDYHS - every day - includes my visiting at least 3 different classes. It is a joy to see the fantastic pedagogy of our great staff, and the skilled learning of our great student body. Over the next few weeks and months you can look forward to hearing about exciting MDYHS programs such as Freshmen Day, Gilad Shalit at MDYHS, student Hessed projects, Club Fair, College Night, exciting Educational Technology initiatives such as the use of and webinars in a "flipped classroom" model, and the precise Skills Sets developed by our various department chairs. There are so many wonderful things happening at MDYHS, and it is a privilege for me to share them with you. Nothing ensures success more than the ongoing involvement of student- school - parents!
Please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom and for a great week ahead!Sincerely yours,Rabbi Saul Zucker
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Welcome Back Warriors
Welcome Back Warriors!
A few exciting things to look forward to this month....
A few exciting things to look forward to this month....
Cafe @ Magen David
SGO Trip: Commemorating 9/11
Bowling Night
Sukkot Fair
and Much Much More!!
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