Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Freshman Girl First Annual Mincha Party
SGO and Senior Council Platforms, Calendars and Videos
SGO and Senior Council Platforms, Calendars and Videos can be found here:
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Week in Review
Dear Parents,
Although the school week is a little shorter due to the upcoming holiday, it has been a truly amazing week at MDYHS, and I am proud to share a glimpse of our recent programs and events with you.
The Sephardic Heritage Expo has come to MDYHS! Presented by the sophomores under the expert direction of our Jewish History department chairperson Ms. Audrey Nasar and a host of faculty advisors, the Expo consists of 25 different museum-style exhibits, displayed in the Atrium and in the MDY South Midrash. Students have been preparing over the past few months by doing extensive research, recording video interviews with different community members and leaders, creating beautiful artwork, and gathering artifacts for their exhibit booths. The results are outstanding! Walking through the exhibit, listening to students present their "museum-guide" speeches, and seeing some of them in period costume, one can almost feel the streets of Aleppo, and hear the sweet sounds of pizmonim and cherished melodies. I heard the excitement and genuine pride as the students spoke about Life in Syria, The Immigration to America, The Formation of SBH, The Chief Rabbis, Syrian Food (the samples were delicious!), The Different Languages of the Community, and a host of other topics. (Please see the attached photos from this extraordinary program). I wish I could adequately convey the beauty of this great exhibit - where our students are taking the pride of their noble and majestic heritage forward into their lives!

Two critical features of effective, cutting-edge education are the centrality of active student participation throughout the lesson, and the use of technology in the process of learning. Our own Rabbi Michael Bitton has combined these two important features to produce classes and lessons filled with passion for learning. He uses EdTech features such as Google Docs (a shared document in cyberspace, where students and teachers can collaborate and examine whatever is posted) and Pod Casts (summaries of 45 minute lessons into 3-5 minute review files, along with supplemental information for the students to access at their own convenience). The results have been amazing. Please see the attachment, which is an actual Google Doc from Rabbi Bitton's Torah class. In it you will see a clear presentation of the text, along with the students' comments, insights, questions, and answers, as they prepared the text at home for an upcoming class. The inquiry and creativity of the students are inspirational! One can only imagine the effectiveness of the class after such an active preparation. Rabbi Bitton will be attending the Expanding Horizons Conference sponsored by the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) this coming June, b'ezrat HaSham, and he will return to MDYHS to present new and exciting approaches to the entire faculty in a professional development seminar designed to expand our educational technology repertoire across all areas of the curriculum.
This past week (and for the next two weeks), I have had the joy of having lunch with groups of tenth graders. In a program called 10 for 30 (tenth grade students, thirty minute lunch), I have asked students to give me feedback on their MDYHS experience thus far, and to make suggestions for the future, all while we enjoy a delicious pizza lunch. I am inspired by the students' maturity, insight, and creativity. We have discussed many ideas about student life that I plan to include in next year's MDYHS experience. Thank you so much to the students for your input! And in a somewhat related issue, the SGO (student government organization) will be having its elections of officers for the coming school year, next week. Under the wonderful guidance of Mrs. Esther Tokayer, Rabbi Benzion Scheinfeld, and Mrs. Ariella Falack, students will present political platforms and will campaign for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, along with Senior Council officers. I am sure that November 2012 will pale in comparison to the May 2012 MDYHS campaign!
As we continue to hear about college admissions and awards, I am pleased to extend heartfelt wishes of Mabrouk to Max Cohen, who earned a Presidential Scholarship Award from Brooklyn College for the next four years. We are so proud of Max's great accomplishment! And speaking of college, today a number of our seniors took the Jerusalem Hebrew Exam - a comprehensive 6 hour test of Hebrew Language & Literature sponsored by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Successful completion of this exam results in college credit at most universities - in effect, this is the culmination of an "AP Hebrew" course. The students themselves, their teachers, and I are all confident that our students will excel in their great work today!
Finally, kudos to our Boys Junior Varsity Softball Team, under the talented coaching of Nathan Zalta, on their victory over the Yeshiva of Flatbush team by a score of 13-5. Bobby Safdieh and Jake Sutton both hit home runs. With this victory, our mighty Warriors have clinched a spot in this season's playoffs.
As we are about to enter Shavuot, a time to reflect upon our commitment to Torah and its values, I wish you and your entire family a Yom Tov of joy and fulfillment. As always please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom and for a great week ahead!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Aleppo Heritage Expo
SGO Nominees
- Raquel Sabbagh
- Leon Betesh
- Yoni Hadar
- Barry Sitt
Vice President:
- Julia Greenstein
- Hannah Cohen
- Frieda Kassab
- Rosie Mosseri
- Samantha Shamah
- Jack Kassin
- Renee Cohen
- David Zami
- Danielle Chera
- Zachary Mosseri
- Raymond Dayan
Check back after Shavuot for their full platforms and Campaign Commercial.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Congratulations to the Softball Team!
Mabruk to the J.V Softball Team on its 13-7 Victory over Flatbush H.S. Bobby Safdieh and Jake Sutton both hit home-runs. We are in the PLAYOFFS! Go Mighty Warriors!!
Student Government, Senior Council and Yearbook Elections have begun. 9th, 10th and 11th grade students may
run for office in Student Government.
Only 10th and 11th grade students are eligible for
the office of President of Student Government.
Only 11th graders may run for Senior Council and Yearbook.
Students should submit the nomination form (check your email or pick up a copy from the guard's desk) to Ms. Tokayer by May 22nd by
the end of the lunch periods (1:30). Candidates will be informed
of their eligibility by May 23rd. Platform and calendar of
events due electronically to
by May 24th, 8PM. Campaigning will take place
May 30th through May 31st.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Week in Review
Dear Parents,
What an outstanding week it has been at MDYHS! I am privileged to share a glimpse of some of our programs and events with you.

Over Hol HaMoed Pesah Eddie Dweck was seeking an internship position in the area of finance. With training by the Internship Team in the art and science of the business interview, and with copies of the resume he had crafted as part of our program, Eddie met with a few potential employers. Ultimately, Eddie secured a position at a wealth management firm - a company that works with high net-worth individuals on estate planning, tax strategies, and investments. Eddie's job was to build efficient frontiers for a portfolio of equities. In addition, he sat in on conference calls with Deutsche Bank, taking notes and presenting summaries of the calls to the Head Analyst at the firm. This past Monday, Eddie received a call from one of the other employers who had seen his resume over Pesah. The employer interviewed Eddie over the phone, and was so impressed with Eddie's knowledge and insight - gained from the internship experience - that this coming Monday, b'ezrat HaShem, he will be meeting with Eddie to discuss details of a summer job offer! From there, Eddie goes on to NYU Stern to major in finance. The financial world awaits one of its future superstars from MDYHS!
Who would have believed that these stories - and countless others like them - would be occurring to high school students?! The answer is... about 500 people - the students, their families, their internship employers, and the MDYHS staff, who all gathered together on Wednesday evening for the lavish Banquet Program - to celebrate the amazing successes of all of our students. Led by our own Mrs. Sabrina Maleh, the architect and supervisor of the entire Internship Program, with the great assistance of the Internship Team, the audience was treated to a retrospective of the program and its wonderful highlights. These highlights were captured in a moving video, produced by Mr. Daniel Kamelhar and Mr. Daniel Zide who carefully helped in guiding the students through their work experiences. The emotionally charged evening and dinner program was filled with enthusiastic testimonials by students and employers. Congratulations to our Employer of the Year, Mr. Al Falack, and to our Student Internship Award recipients Sarah Harari, Shirley Harari, and Meyer Safdieh! We have already begun planning the details of next year's exciting Internship Program.
Yesterday, Dr. Abe Tawil and I had the wonderful opportunity to meet with the Deputy Director of CUNY's University Application Processing Center - the single gateway of all college applications to all of the CUNY and Macaulay Honors colleges. The deputy director shared with us her insights as to what CUNY looks for in the application process, and as a result of that meeting, MDYHS will be redesigning our transcript format to present our students in a way that will even further enhance their profile to the greatest advantage in their college admissions process. And in a related note, Mrs. Debbie Solomon and Mr. Steve Harris, from our department of College Guidance & Career Counseling Services, recently attended a SUNY conference hosted by FIT (where 9 MDYHS students have been accepted into 6 different programs for the fall, including the highly selective Fashion Merchandising and Management program). The conference dealt with admissions strategies for SUNY applications. And today, Mrs. Solomon is attending another admissions conference where representatives of Harvard, Georgetown, University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford are giving valuable advice to college guidance counselors. This networking and sharing of information is critical to successful college and career guidance, and our staff are in the forefront of these events!
On Tuesday, 23 MDYHS students in the 10th and 11th grades had the rare opportunity to attend the Baruch College conference on Sephardic American Jewry: Communities and Contributions. Our students, led by Ms. Audrey Nasar and Mrs. Shara Netkin, attended symposiums about our own beloved community and its unique ability to maintain a distinct Syrian identity despite the challenges of assimilation, and about the early years of the Sephardic immigration to the United States. What a great way to instill pride in the community, its values and heritage! Uptown, Mr. Joe Naftaly's ninth grade history class, as well as the Art Appreciation Club led by Mrs. Natalie Greenberg, visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The history class visited the Greek and Roman galleries, and viewed some of the Renaissance works as well. They also saw the Arms and Armor exhibit, where they were taught about the evolution of warfare. Students commented on how great it was to see first hand what they have been studying. The Art Club viewed Impressionistic and post-Impressionistic artwork - particularly that of Monet and Van Gogh, where they received an up-close lesson on the development of artistic genres.
All of the above would be somewhat empty without the legendary MDYHS hessed displayed by our students. This week our students, under the wonderful leadership of Ms. Elyse Nadjar, hosted a group of YACHAD students for the last of this year's Lunch & Learn programs. (Please see the attached photo from this meaningful event). MDYHS students paired with YACHAD students to help them make beautiful flower decorations for Shavuot. As I walked among the students and admired their artistry and dedication, one of the YACHAD young ladies told me that she loved our students for all of the help they give her. Her smile lit up not only the room, but the entire school. That smile is the greatest shining example of the pride of Magen David and its beloved students!
As always, please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom and for a great week ahead!
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Saul Zucker
שמירת הלשון
לעילו נשמת
Jherin Gorcey
MDY HS students have dedicated themselves to better their midot through learning Torah, in memory of their good friend Jherin Gorcey.
Janice Mizrahi (12th grade) interns at an organization that helps orphans in Israel financially. She reached out to her MDY peers, and together with the 11th graders created a program: Students can sponsor a day of learning in memory of Jherin, ע"ה, for a mere $5 a day, and the money will be donated to orphans.
If you haven't signed up yet, and are still interested, please approach: Lorraine Zalta, Danielle Maleh, Carol Missry, Marie Betesh, Laurie Mossery, Jenn Harari, Paula Tawil, Danielle Chera.
Senior Awards and Internship Banquet
Art Show at MDY HS
Creativity at MDYHS is not limited to research and academics. On Wednesday evening, our students presented an Art Exhibit in the school's Atrium. Over 100 works of art, created by our students - supervised by our own talented Mrs. Barbara Dweck - were on display in art gallery style. Please see the attached photos from this beautiful program. The future Rembrandts and Van Goghs of the world are getting their early start in the halls and art studios of MDYHS!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day!
Starring: Senior Girls '12
Filmed by: Marlene Massry
Edited by: Marlene Massry and Ruth Elias
Friday, May 11, 2012
Week in Review
Dear Parents,
It has been a wonderful week at MDYHS, and I am honored to share a glimpse of some of our programs and events with you.

This week, we began administration of Advanced Placement exams for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students. We are offering exams in 10 different courses, with a total of 161 exams being administered. And on a related note, yesterday we presented our Course Offerings Program for the 2012-2013 school year to our current 10th and 11th grade students. Our course selection for next year is unparalleled in its breadth and depth - we will be offering 12 Brooklyn College credit courses and 10 AP courses to our students - in addition to a host of challenging and stimulating elective classes. These classes include Astronomy, college-styled English courses such as Literature Across Cultures and Monsters and Heroes, Forensics, Journalism, Mandarin Chinese, Music Appreciation, Pathology, Principles of Investment, Statistics, and Trial Law. These are in addition to the legendary Intel Program in Science Research and Intel Research Program in Social Science. Our young scholars are being prepared for success in so many fields in higher education and in their career path choices!
And speaking of higher education, I am pleased to announce some additions to the stellar college admissions achievements of our senior class. Mabrouk to the following students: Mark Abramowitz upon his acceptance to Macaulay Honors College at Brooklyn; Renee Franco upon her acceptance to the Brooklyn Scholars Program; and Miriam Safdieh upon her Presidential Scholars Award at Brooklyn College. You are all shining examples of hard work leading to great success!
Some of our students are not waiting for graduation to get to the college campus... Today, five MDYHS students, under the direction of Mr. Steven Kaye, one of our Intel faculty advisors, are participating in Brooklyn College's Science Research Day. Jack Avidan, Carolyn Aboudi, Yoni Hadar, Margo Harary, and Bella Kabariti are presenting their scientific research - on diverse topics including EKG measurements of stress, phragmites, and magnetic mass driver exploration - at this campus event. The program is designed for undergraduate, master's and doctoral students - only a handful of high school students are invited. What an honor for our budding young scientists!

Creativity at MDYHS is not limited to research and academics. On Wednesday evening, our students presented an Art Exhibit in the school's Atrium. Over 100 works of art, created by our students - supervised by our own talented Mrs. Barbara Dweck - were on display in art gallery style. Please see the attached photos from this beautiful program. The future Rembrandts and Van Goghs of the world are getting their early start in the halls and art studios of MDYHS!
Academics, creativity, and hessed all go hand-in-hand with the guiding values of Torah at MDYHS. In that light, our ninth grade girls classes, under the direction of Ms. Sally Mishanieh and Ms. Audrey Nasar, visited the Living Torah Museum in Brooklyn yesterday. The students got a special tour from noted historian Rabbi Shaul Deutsch, focusing on what they are currently learning in Torah and Jewish history classes. This museum is unique in that visitors are permitted to handle the artifacts and exhibits. Our girls tried on jewelry of ancient Egyptian queens, learned how to read ancient Hebrew script and hieroglyphs, and held ancient coins - among them was the sacred half-shekel. What a great way to touch history and to feel it come alive!
Finally, in the area of sports, last Friday our Boys Varsity Softball Team, under the fantastic coaching of David Shamah, defeated the team of Yeshiva of Flatbush is a double-header, first by a score of 10-2, then by a score of 9-7. David Maleh and Eddie Nissim were the winning pitchers. On that same day the Boys Junior Varsity Softball Team, under the great coaching of Nathan Zalta, were victorious over the team of Derech HaTorah in a double-header, first by a score of 9-5, then by a score of 13-5. Star players included Andrew Cohen, who dazzled on the field and at bat, and Eddie Levy, who was the winning pitcher of the second game. And on Wednesday, our Boys Junior Varsity Softball Team defeated the team of Yeshiva of Flatbush by a score of 18-2. Eddie and Joey Levy ruled the game with fantastic pitching and hitting. Go mighty Warriors!
As always, please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom and for a great week ahead!
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Saul Zucker
Living Torah Museum
Our ninth grade girls classes, under the direction of Ms. Sally Mishanieh and Ms. Audrey Nasar, visited the Living Torah Museum in Brooklyn yesterday. The students got a special tour from noted historian Rabbi Shaul Deutsch, focusing on what they are currently learning in Torah and Jewish history classes. This museum is unique in that visitors are permitted to handle the artifacts and exhibits. Our girls tried on jewelry of ancient Egyptian queens, learned how to read ancient Hebrew script and hieroglyphs, and held ancient coins - among them was the sacred half-shekel. What a great way to touch history and to feel it come alive!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Arista National Honor Society Assembly
Congratulations to those inducted into the Arista National Honor Society:
Joseph Abitbol
Berta Allaham
Maya Ballah
Jacqueline Beyda
Yoni Chaya
Yvette Chaya
Esther Cohen
Rachel Cohen
Linda Dayan
Esther Hanon
Lisa Jrada
Sarah Kabariti
Joseph Kassin
Joan Kraiem
Claire Louzeh
Michael C. Mamiye
Albert Manopla
Sylvi Matalon
Carole Mizrahi
Rachel Naftali
Eddie Nissim
Marc Saadia
Frieda Sabbagh
Gloria Safdieh
David Savdie
Lauren Shalom
Sammy Shamah
Linda Shamula
Ceaser Sitt
Marilyn G. Sued
Renee Sutton
Abraham N. Tobias
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Warriors Schedule
The Warriors are Unstoppable!
- Tuesday, May 8th: Boys and Girls Tennis vs. HAFTR @ National Tennis Center (Flushing Meadows), 7:30 PM
- Wednesday, May 9th: JV Softball vs. Flatbush @ 5:30 PM
- Wednesday, May 9th: Boys Soccer vs. Ezra @ Manhattan Beach Jewish Center, 7:30 PM
- Friday, May 11th: Varsity Softball vs. Shaare Torah @ McDonald Ave & S @ 2:15
Get Involved!
Upcoming Events:
- Tuesday, May 8th: 11th Grade Arista Assembly, 9:30 AM
- Wednesday, May 9th: Barbara Dweck's Art Show, 7:30 PM
- Thursday, May 10th: Lag BaOmer
- Sunday, May 13th: Chai Lifeline Walkathon, 12-2:00
- Wednesday, May 16th: Internship Banquet and Senior Award Ceremony, 7:00 PM
- Friday, May 18th: Bullying Program
- Tuesday, May 22nd: Rosh Hodesh
- Thursday, May 24th: Yerushalmi Exam, 8:30 AM
- Tuesday, May 29th: Drama Club Play
- Wednesday, May 30th: Faculty vs. Varsity Basketball Game + Drama Club Play
Get involved!!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Week in Review
Dear Parents,
What a fantastic week it has been at MDYHS! I am so happy to be able to share a glimpse of it with you.
Our Senior Internship highlight this week is an amazing story that I'm sure you will enjoy. Sarah Harari is an wonderfully gifted photographer, whose internship is at a shoe store where she takes pictures of the merchandise to post on the store's on-line catalog. Now hold that thought...
David Gindi, a superstar politician who is currently interning at the office of Congressman Michael Grimm (please see the attached photo of David with the congressman), interned during winter vacation at the office of Mitt Romney. While there, Mitt Romney's staff had asked if anyone knew of a great photographer, in case there would be any events during the campaign where photos would be needed but where they would not want the event open to the press. David immediately submitted Sarah Harari's name to the staff. Now fast forward to last week...

The Internship Program is not just about amazing stories; it is about great personal and career growth. Steven Cohen expressed this idea so nicely in one of his journal entries this week. "I can easily say that I am gaining an amazing amount of knowledge and experience at my internship. I am being tasked to do real things for the company, which puts both responsibility and stress on my shoulders. Thank G-d, I have also been able to fulfill most if not all tasks very efficiently and successfully." Well said, Steven!
MDYHS is proud to harmonize excellence in Torah and general education, career path guidance, and dedication to hessed. On Wednesday, Ms. Audrey Nasar took four of our students, Hannah Cohen, Max Cohen, Frieda Kassab, and Rachel Tawil to a special event sponsored by Connect 2 Survivors, an organization devoted to fostering hessed relationships with Holocaust survivors. (Please see the attached photo from this event). The event was a dinner in New York City, which included a keynote speech from a child of survivors. Following the speech, the master of ceremonies called on Max to share some of his experiences visiting a survivor regularly over the past four years. At the end of the program, as part of his concluding remarks, the sponsor of the event said, "...and thank G-d for people like Max Cohen, who realize from a young age what it means to care about others." Max - we are so proud of you!
These values are internalized in and out of the classroom at MDYHS - day in and day out. With that idea, under the guidance of our own Rabbi Joey Haber greatly assisted by Ms. Rivka Ullmann, our seniors will be enjoying a Shabbat dinner tonight at MDY elementary school. Students and faculty will meet at the school for minhah at 6:45 pm. The program includes delicious food, ruah singing, and an open discussion with teachers and students about life issues. This is a wonderful and meaningful opportunity to continue the legendary bonding between MDYHS students and their teachers!
As we look ahead, please note that this Wednesday, May 9th, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, we will be hosting an Art Show at MDYHS, under the direction of our talented art teacher Ms. Barbara Dweck. Please join us for an exhibition and celebration of the artists of MDYHS. Their work is outstanding, and some of it will no doubt find its way into museums and galleries - and you can say that you saw it from the very beginning! And please remember that our Drama Society will be presenting its production of the play Heaven Can Wait on the evening of Wednesday, May 30th. Look for flyers and announcements in the week ahead.
Finally, in the area of sports, last Friday our Boys Varsity Softball Team, under the wonderful coaching of David Shamah, defeated the team of Yeshiva of Flatbush by a score of 5-3. Marc Sayegh was the winning pitcher, and Albert Manopla hit the game-winning two-run homer. The Warriors are unstoppable!
As always, please accept my warmest wishes for a Shabbat Shalom and for a great week ahead!
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Saul Zucker
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