Friday, April 26, 2013

Info on The Israeli Day Parade

This year’s parade theme is portraits and Magen David Yeshivah High School is depicting a portrait of Menachem Begin. The parade will take place on Sunday, June 2nd.
Menachem Begin was a true leader of the modern state of Israel from before its creation, as the leader of the Irgun (an underground military organization committed to defense of Jews in Palestine) to becoming Prime Minister in 1977 and signing the Camp David Accords with Anwar Sadat of Egypt. Begin was the Prime Minister of the country when the decision was made to bomb the nuclear reactors of Iraq. He was the Prime Minister who advocated that El Al planes not fly on Shabbat as El Al represents the Jewish state. He is the Prime Minister who began to bridge the gap between Sepharadim and Ashkenazim. He was the person who through his entire leadership in politics and in the resistance movement insisted on the unity and sanctity of the Jewish people, consistently choosing the wellbeing of the people over what was politically smart. Begin held Torah classes in his home every Friday evening and used what became known as the Shabbat phone on Shabbat when he had to deal with national emergencies (the phone did not violate any of the laws of Shabbat). He was a true hero of Israel.
MDYHS will be depicting several areas of his life:
His support of El Al not flying on Shabbat
The peace treaty with Egypt
Holding Tanakh classes in his home and praying at the Kotel
His אהבת ישראל – עם אחד בלב אחד
In order to create this portrait we need to create a t-shirt and several banners.
Therefore we will be holding a competition for the designs of the banner and t-shirt. If you are interested, please submit a design for one or both to Ms. Nasar by Friday, May 3, 2013.
Please remember that the Salute to Israel Parade is a mandatory school day for grades 9-11.
All those taking the SATs that day must submit proof of registration to Ms. Nasar or Ms. Tokayer by May 15th.